Leads - Untaggable - Total

Calculated Metrics - Engagement

Written By Dinesh Dhamija (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 3rd, 2024

Total Leads from all sources besides Blue Corona calls, forms, and chats



Leads - Untaggable -Total  is the count of leads from all sources besides Blue Corona tracked calls, forms, and chats for options selected in the Global Filter


Leads that are from Blue Corona calls, forms, and chats can be reviewed and tagged to designate and disposition a subset of the leads. Leads from other sources, including non-Blue Corona calls, forms, chate listed below are not “taggable” and are hence marked as “Untaggable Leads”. The data sources and the formula to calculate this metric are presented below. 

Data Sources:

Calculated Metrics (GA / GA4 related), Google Local Services (GLSA), Google Business Profile (GBP), Facebook


 Formula                                                                       (Adapter Source)


‘Leads - Untaggable - Total’ =                                      

          ‘Leads - Untaggable - Final                 +            (Calculated)

          ‘Message Leads - GLSA’                     +            (Google Local Services)

          ‘Bookings - GLSA’                                +            (Google Local Services)

          ‘Message Leads - GMB’                      +            (Google Business Profile)

          ‘Bookings - GMB’                                 +            (Google Business Profile)

          ‘Messaging Conversations Started’     +            (Facebook Ads)