Location data is associated with a location-specific listing such as Google Business Profiles (GBP), which is usually associated with a physical address. While some GBPs are for service areas, most are for physical locations, so they are all organized at the location level for consistency.
Location Groups
Location Groups are where marketing is typically targeted, at a particular service area. Data can be reported in location groups by using location group-specific phone numbers on a website, a location group-siloed website, and location group-specific campaigns.
A location group siloed website organizes the website with location specific URLs.
What is ‘General’ listed under my Location Groups?
Data will show in ‘General’ if it does not contain information that identifies it as being part of a particular location group or location.
Common scenarios include:
- Phone numbers not tied to a specific location group or location.
- Campaign names not identified for a specific location group or location.
- A page of a website that is not location-specific. This is commonly a home page or other pages not attributed to a particular location or location group.